Gloss Kitchens
Gloss kitchen doors create a luxury, modern look, whilst their lustrous shine ensures an inviting kitchen feel. Smooth, high quality gloss kitchen doors also effectively reflect light as it hits their surface to make a kitchen feel brighter and more spacious. This is an important element of kitchen planning and particularly for smaller kitchens where space maximising is an essential part of the planning process. Typically stylish, fresh and modern, an extensive range of gloss colours and finishes ensures many different styles are achievable. And of course, all of our finishes can be mixed- be it different colours from within the same gloss range, or gloss doors with contrasting materials like wood or matt. Our designers have decades of experience in working with clients to create such blended schemes- ensuring you can achieve the gloss kitchen look that is both unique and personal to you
High Gloss Glass Kitchens
The ultimate gloss surface material for distinguished elegance within the home is the gloss glass kitchen finish. Exquisite in appearance it is ideal for contemporary and stunning kitchen designs, with the smooth, mirror-like surface reflecting the maximum amount of light back across the kitchen for a bright and opulent setting. The glass is produced from toughened safety glass ensuring that as well as a flawless look, it also has a scratch resistant and durable surface. Well-equipped for the kitchen setting, gloss glass kitchen doors are remarkably robust and can withstand the everyday knocks, scrapes and bumps that kitchens are frequently subject to.
Gloss glass kitchen doors are available in a choice of colours and edges, such as softly rounded edges, or softly rounded ‘all around’. Alternatively you might choose a metallic finish for an alluring sparkle across both the door’s surface and edging.

High Gloss Lux Laminate Kitchens
Combining looks, quality and affordability, the high gloss lux laminate kitchen door marks a stunning addition to our high gloss range. All of our lacquer kitchen doors are finished to an extremely high standard using a repeated spray lacquering technique. The gloss lux laminate kitchen doors undergo the same process, but the lacquered front is finished using a revolutionary laser system which fuses its sharp edge to the surface on all sides of the door. This fusion creates a high quality, water-tight and temperature resistant door which is both durable and hygienic. Fundamentally the door also has low visibility edging where the fusion has occurred, creating an almost seamless finish between the door’s edge and its surface. The overall look this creates is one of high quality, and excellence, yet at an affordable kitchen price!
High Gloss Lacquer Kitchens
The appeal of the gloss lacquer kitchen lies in the deeply polished lustre of the door’s smooth finish, creating an elegant and timeless kitchen look, and particularly striking in darker gloss tones. Carried out by sophisticated machinery, it is the labour-intensive process it undergoes that makes the gloss lacquer kitchen an extremely high quality and durable option. At the same time, the repeated spray lacquering process gradually builds up a deep and even coating of the lacquer colour. The end result is an ultra-smooth door surface with a clear and highly reflective gloss kitchen shine.

High Gloss Laminate Kitchens
It is important to recognise that the quality of laminate kitchen doors can vary significantly between manufacturers… but certainly at House to Home our laminate manufacture process is honed to the extent that attractive laminate doors can be hard to tell apart from higher quality kitchen finishes. Our laminate doors are finished with a PUR-hotmelt adhesive which prevents delamination and ensures the highest possible water, temperature and bacterial resistance for the surface of the door. This makes maintenance and usability easier, as well as increasing durability and longevity. Indeed, our experts have created many lasting gloss laminate kitchen designs, including a variety of gloss laminate colours and contrasting finishes, ensuring an end-result which is both stylish and beautiful.